Wednesday, July 22, 2009

DIY - The Ang Pao Box

Settling the venue at The Bark Cafe was probably the happiest thing (for me). I have often wished for an outdoor wedding as it gives a more carefree, natural & joyful feeling. Geo & I decided to have Orange as our color theme.

Now, whenever I share with anyone that our venue will be held at Bark Cafe, they would go "Woah woah" ah!! Well, Bark is not the Bark of a dog. Bark represents the tree Bark. With such natural setting, we decided that our deco pieces also be as natural as possible.

Heee.. me being me, I always like things to be unique. After much deep thoughts and surfing the net, I fell in love with the idea of having a bird cage as an Ang Bao (red packets) box. Thought even deeper and remembered that I have a colleague whose husband has lots of bird cages which is of no use. I opened my mouth and decided to ask if her husband can give me 2 (the other would be used as the centrepiece at the solemnization table). Hee... My colleague was SO glad that she could finally get rid of the 'white elephants' that she decided to give me 3 instead!!! (But I only took 2, nothing less, nothing more).

Armed with my lovely bird cage, I set out to spray it white. After it is dried, I decorated it with bright orange & fuschia ribbons. I thought it still look quite plain so I went to Martha Steward's wedding site and learnt how to make a fabric flower & decorated it further by painting a few flowers on the cage itself.

Wa-laH!!! Here is my Ang Bao Box.

Cost: $5.50 (White spray, with more than 3/4 bottle left), scrap cloth, scrap ribbons.

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